Lowestoft site
Posted By: Joe Capp
Date: 28 May 2005 at 15:41
Dear admin & members,
I don't know if I'm allowed to mention my own Lowestoft website in these forums. If not I apologise to the admins here & please delete this message.
I've been running a Lowestoft site for about 10 years now. The present incarnation is at www.seelowestoft.com. My interest is general town information & history, current events, local places of interest & general photos of the town. I update it via forums nowadays as I appreciate replies, & also find it easier than maintaining a 'static' site & updating it with HTML code.
I have no desire to compete with this site, just to share a personal interest in my home town.
I hope some viewers here will take a look.
Joe Capp.
Messages In This Thread
Lowestoft site
Joe Capp — 28 May 2005 at 15:41 -
Re: Lowestoft site
me — 1 Apr 2010 at 04:00